The design ready for new neighbourhood park in Victoria Kungens kurva
The concept for the new neighbourhood park in Victoria Kungens kurva is now decided. From among the three design proposals received, the architectural firm Arkitema’s Folkets kurva concept was chosen. The centrally located neighbourhood park will offer meeting places, recreation and green spaces to both residents and visitors.
Fastighets AB Balder and KF Fastigheter co-own a joint venture company Victoria Kungens Kurva AB, which was created to develop the future Victoria district. Construction start is planned for 2023 and when the area is finished, there will be approximately 3,500 apartments, a school, nursery schools, restaurants, care services, local services and a park, among other things. These are all important elements of an attractive and lively district.
Together with Huddinge Municipality, the JV company Victoria Kungens Kurva AB has carried out a parallel sketch assignment to produce proposals for the design of the important neighbourhood park. Among the well-executed and fine proposals from three architectural firms, Arkitema’s proposal was the one that the evaluation team considered to be outstanding with extra clear architectural expression and quality.
“All the proposals were of high quality but the Folkets kurva concept is the one that we think best encapsulates the vision of Victoria. The new park will have many positive values which will enrich the quality of life for the area’s residents and this is an important part of the work on creating a complete district,” says David Johansson, Regional Manager Property Development at Balder and MD of Victoria Kungens Kurva AB.
The urban neighbourhood park will consist of four sections: the more elegant part of the park, open grass spaces, places for play and a section with preserved terrain and vegetation. Folkets kurva will be a multifunctional and accessible park with a large range of possible activities. The park’s natural watercourses will be supplemented with a landscaped water mirror and the chosen sketch proposal also features a good safety aspect involving great visual contact as well as smart and well planned lighting.
“We are very happy that Victoria Kungens kurva and Huddinge Municipality have chosen our proposal. This park offers many possibilities to become a sort of “living room” for residents and visitors, while also offering exceptional aesthetic qualities. We look forward to rewarding cooperation in the future,” says Per Axelsson, Business Area Manager at Arkitema.
The design of the Victoria district is taking place through close collaboration between the JV company and Huddinge Municipality. These actors are working together with urban development and towards the shared vision of Victoria as a suburb of the capital city.
“Even from the start, a verdant neighbourhood park has been an important part of the design of the new district in Kungens kurva. The design of the park is an important part of the work with the zoning plan,” says Heléne Hill, Head of Urban Planning, Huddinge Municipality.
The Folkets kurva design concept will be further refined in a programme document during 2022. If everything goes according to plan, the work on Victoria’s neighbourhood park will start in 2023 and it can then be ready around 2030. The neighbourhood park comprises approximately 18,000 sqm in total, which after completion will be handed over to Huddinge Municipality.
Read more about the development of the district at
For more information, please contact:
Heléne Hill, Head of Urban Planning in Huddinge Municipality, tel. +46 8 535 365 48
Per Axelsson, Business Area Manager Arkitema, tel. +46 708 858 482
David Johansson, Regional Manager Property Development Balder and MD of Victoria Kungens Kurva AB, tel. +46 8 508 837 14
Eva Jonasson, Media Relations Officer at Balder tel. +46 31 10 79 44
“Folkets kurva – Parktorget”: When everything is finished, the Victoria district in Kungens kurva will comprise approximately 3,500 apartments, school, nursery schools, restaurants, care services, local services and a centrally located neighbourhood park. Photo: Arkitema
“Folkets kurva – Skogsslingan”: In the urban neighbourhood park Folkets kurva there is space for both natural and landscaped vegetation and watercourses. Photo: Arkitema
“Victoria – Balkong”: Balder and KF Fastigheter co-own a joint venture company, which was created to develop the future Victoria district in Kungens kurva. Photo: ÅWL Arkitekter
Fastighets AB Balder is a listed property company that owns, manages and develops residential and commercial properties. Balder is one of the largest property companies on the Nordic market with properties also in Germany and the United Kingdom. The head office is located in Gothenburg. As of 31 December 2021, the property portfolio had a value of SEK 191.8 billion. The Balder share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap.