On this part of our website we present financial information of interest to you as a shareholder, investor, analyst or anyone generally interested in Balder.

Fastighets AB Balder is a listed property group that works to be a long-term property owner with satisfied stakeholders and stable cash flows. Balder's business concept is to acquire, develop and manage properties for residential and commercial use based on local support in larger cities with a positive development.

At Balder, we aim to generate a good profit from property management through a high level of activity and efficient management. Growth is created by acquiring, investing in and developing properties while meeting customers' needs. In acquisitions, divestments as well as new production, we aim to develop the property portfolio in line with the company's business concept.

Continuous and accurate information disclosure about the company’s developments is a fundamental principle of our IR efforts. The Balder share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap.

Property value

As of 31 December 2024, the property portfolio had a value of SEK 223.2 billion.

Fastighetsbeståndet Q4 2023 Eng

Carrying amount distributed by property category.

Financial targets

  • Equity/assets ratio shall be at least 40 percent.
    Outcome Q4 2024: 38.0%.
  • Net debt to total assets shall not exceed 50 percent. 
    Outcome Q4 2024: 49.4%.
  • Interest coverage ratio shall be at least 2 times (rolling twelve months). 
    Outcome Q4 2024: 2.7 times.
  • The key ratio (net debt/EBITDA) shall not exceed 11 times (rolling twelve months). 
    Outcome Q4 2024: 12.2 times. 


Sustainability targets 

For example, we shall:

  • Improve energy efficiency 2 percent per sq.m. and year.
  • More than halve emissions from own operations by 2030, with 2022 as a base, achieve net-zero emissions throughout the entire value chain by 2045.
  • Obtain environmental certifications for all newly produced properties.
  • Have zero incidents of corruption or discrimination.
  • Increase the proportion of green financing.

In the Sustainability section, you will find more information on our sustainability work, targets and reporting.

IR contacts

Analysts and investors are referred to:

  • Contact us
    Ewa WassbergCFO
  • Contact us
    Erik SelinCEO

Media contacts

Media inquiries are referred to:

  • Contact us
    Eva JonassonMedia relations
  • Contact us
    Balders press office