Balder performs share split (6:1) and resolves record date

Regulatory press releases – 

At the Annual General Meeting of Fastighets AB Balder (publ) (”Balder”) on 12 May 2022, it was decided to divide the company’s shares, whereby each share, regardless of share class, is divided into six (6) new shares (share split 6:1). The Annual General Meeting further resolved to authorize the Board to determine the record date (Sw. avstämningsdag) for the share split. Balder’s Board of Directors has today, with the support of the authorization, resolved that the record date for the share split shall be 27 May 2022.

Schedule for the division:
24 May 2022: Last day for trading before share split.
25 May 2022: First day for trading after share split.
27 May 2022: Record date for share split.

The division of the company’s shares is carried out automatically through Euroclear Sweden AB and shareholders do not need to take any actions. Following the division the class B shares will be traded under a new ISIN code as of May 25 2022. The new ISIN code for the A share is SE0017832470 and the new ISIN code for the B share is SE0017832488.

Following the division the total number of shares in the company will amount to 1,119,000,000, of which 67,376,592 class A shares and 1,051,623,408 class B shares.

For further information, please contact:
Erik Selin, CEO, tel. +46 (0)31-10 95 92
Eva Sigurgeirsdottir, Director of Economy, tel. +46 (0)31-10 99 13