CORRECTION: Change in the number of shares and votes in Balder

Regulatory press releases – 

The English version of the press release from Balder distributed earlier today stated an incorrect number of Series B shares in the company. The Swedish version of the press release was correct. Below is the corrected English press release in its entirety.

According to previously published information, Fastighets AB Balder (publ) has carried out a directed issue of 18,000,000 Series B shares. The issue has resulted in a change in the number of shares and votes.

The total number of shares as of 29 November 2024 amounts to 1,190,000,000 shares, of which 67,376,592 Series A shares and 1,122,623,408 Series B shares. The total number of votes amounts to 179,638,932.8, of which the Series A shares correspond to 67,376,592 votes and the Series B shares correspond to 112,262,340.8 votes.

For further information, please contact:
Erik Selin, CEO, tel. +46 (0)31-10 95 92,
Ewa Wassberg, CFO, tel. +46 (0)31-351 83 99,
Jonas Erikson, IR, tel. +46 (0)76-765 50 88,

This information is information that Fastighets AB Balder (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, on 29 November 2024 at 09:00 CET.