Balder announces a directed issue of 35 million (Class B) shares, raising proceeds almost 1.8BN

Regulatory press releases – 

Fastighets AB Balder (publ) (“Balder”) has, based on the authorization granted by Balder’s Board carried out a direct share issue of 35,000,000 Class B shares at a subscription price of SEK 50.80 per share.

Subscribers in the Issue is AMF and through the Issue Balder will receive proceeds amounting of almost SEK 1.8bn.

The proceeds will be used to repurchase the outstanding hybrid capital security of EUR 320 million, originally EUR 350 million 5.5 year non-call, first reset date 7 March 2023 (ISIN: XS1677911825). By adding equity corresponding to half of the value of the hybrid capital of EUR 320 million to repurchase the hybrid capital security, it is possible that the equity content of the remaining outstanding hybrid of EUR 445 million 5.25 years non-call, first reset date June 2, 2026 (ISIN: XS2305362951) can be retained.

- We are very pleased with that AMF, which is one of Sweden’s best investors, is increasing its ownership in Balder. We look forward to managing the trust in the best possible way, says Erik Selin CEO.

For further information, please contact:
Erik Selin, CEO, tel. +46 (0)31-10 95 92
Ewa Wassberg, Head of Finance, tel. +46(0)31-351 83 99

This information is information that Fastighets AB Balder (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation, the Securities Markets Act and the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08:40 CET on 16 December 2022.