Here you will find information about balcony, fire safety, appliances and surfaces.
This is where you can find everything you need to know while you are living with us at Balder. We’ve also summarised the information in FAQ for residential tenants. If you want to make a digital maintenance request or see your payment details, please log in to our customer portal Tenant app.
Here you will find information about balcony, fire safety, appliances and surfaces.
Here you will find information about direct debit (autogiro), e-invoice, rent adjustments and what is included in the rent.
Here you will find information on subletting, exchange and transfer, resident, customer number, termination of contract, moving out and partial termination
Here you will find information about pram storage, good neighbourliness, grilling, smoking, pests, laundry, rubbish and recycling
Here you will find information on fire safety, electrical safety, home insurance, water damage, theft and burglary.
Here you will find information about disturbance from neighbors and comfort rules.
To help you through the process of ending your rental contract and moving out, we have produced a summary of information that is important to bear in mind. Please note that the period of notice is three full calendar months, so give yourself plenty of time to avoid duplicate rental payments.